Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why Hello!

So there I was at work, sitting at my desk, mentally engrossed in last night's Chopped basket (Greek yogurt, sugarcane, cactus pears, popcorn kernels) -- "Why did no one make popcorn balls??", using half my computer screen for work, half for perusing food blogs, and wondering if I could make a decent balsamic reduction on a weeknight. There's got to be another outlet for this obsession...What is this? The Wednesday Chef? She is phenomenal! I must forward. Attach the link for this post; emailed to six people. I reread it. Outstanding! Oh look, I have a reply..."Dork." Nice. Good, another one. "Nerd." Apparently my enthusiasm for all things edible has expanded beyond the parameters of normal omnivores. Okay, that's it. I'm starting a blog. And thus, The Beanie Weinie Blog was born.
Really, I'm merely an aspiring home cook, learning the ropes by trial-and-error and Bobby Flay. I plan to use this blog as an outlet for my adventures and experiences; what I make, see, eat, learn, and love. Welcome to my blog! This is going to be fun. :)

PS - I apologize for the stock photos. I am sans camera right now but hope to remedy that soon!

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