Friday, November 5, 2010

Let the Binging Begin!

bad cell phone photo by me
In honor of some VIP houseguests flying in last night to stay for the weekend, and influenced by the late hour of the flight arrival, a "welcome dinner" was required. What does one make to welcome folks to a much colder part of the country on a dark, windy night, knowing these particular visitors live predominantly on take-out and Happy Hour? Lasagna! Brilliant! Gracefully accompanied by a tangy spinach salad with red onion, fresh mushrooms, pine nuts and feta, coated oh-so-lightly by my favorite homemade balsamic vinaigrette and some buttery whole clove garlic french bread.. . Was it the gooeyness of the generous slabs of melted mozzarella? Was it the Giada-inspired bechamel/tomato sauce peeking between the layers? Was it the two bottles of wine? No matter! Dinner Success!!

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