Wednesday, February 9, 2011

True Story, Real People

This is a conversation I had only moments ago with a friend on email chat. Prepare yourself for the genius! And yes, to answer your inevitable question, this is representative of an average conversation.

Me: “You don’t like guacamole!? How come?”
Him:  “Its green! Haha, no its not bad”
Me:  “Don't you like other green foods?”
Him:  “Green beans are so so…but peas are terrible!!”
Me: “ I like peas! You must've been a hard kid to feed!!”
Him:  “Just not a very big veggie fan. I love fruits tho.”
Me:  “You like corn. Everyone likes corn. Corn is the girl-next-door of vegetables.”
Him:  “Well, duh. And tomatoes n okra.”
Me: “Tomatoes are fruit.”
Him:  “…………..So does that make ketchup a smoothie?”

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